The Club is looking forward to another wonderful season in 2018. We are committed to providing a strong club for our children to enjoy playing the wonderful game of football.

Registration days are Saturday 3rd and 10th February between 10.30am and 1pm Plus Thursday 8th February 6.30pm -8pm at Daniel st Park for parents and player’s information and registrations. Alternately you can register online at

OLQP Falcons will be a Registered as a provider of The NSW active kids Program and those who obtain their vouchers will be able to be use that voucher towards your registrations. Although that program does not start until the end of January 2018. I have attached a link with more information about the program.

Registrations prices for 2018 – U6/7 $140.00 u8/9 $150.00 u10/11 $160.00 u12/13 $170.00

On behalf of the committee I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year and look forward to seeing you all in 2018.

I will have more information closer to the registrations day also watch out for info on our Facebook Page @olqpfalcons SC



Paul Bartolo